Sunflower on a Gloomy Afternoon in Georgetown, Texas

The builder of our house gave us a Post Office Box.  Never had one before so I feel special.  Like an English business man with his own PO Box.  But mine is rather small.  And I'm not an Englishman.

I have to empty the mail box everyday otherwise the succeeding mails may not get inside.  It's a block away from our house.  I go there with my cowboy straw hat and my pair of Doc Martens.  A rather odd combination.  I like odd.  I like weird.

So I after grabbed my mail and headed back, I saw this Sunflower by the way side.  It was wild.  A lot of wild flowers growing in Texas this time of the year.  I had to take a picture of it.

As anyone could see, it looked like it was shot on a vintage Polaroid camera.  Always have loved that look.  I still have one.  The photos come out low-fi, rather faded color, and not very sharp.  Except this  one was actually captured on a very handy iPhone 7 plus and processed using the Instant Mobile App.  The lesson here is that the best camera is the one you have at the moment.  Learn to utilize it to its maximum potential.

Hope your day is going well.


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