Street Capture One Night at the Market

This will look mundane to most people but I really like how it came out.  Taken with my Panasonic DMC-LX3 after its baptism at Sebaste, Antique.  Heh.  I like it because of the process involved.  First, it was shot at night without any flash.  Trying getting a comparably sharp image with your point and shoot.  Second, the color rendition is vibrant considering that the only source of light was a couple of incandescent bulbs hanging over the ladies' heads.  Third, I like the near-candidness of the two women.  They obviously didn't know I was taking their picture.  Fourth, shooting the image required a long exposure.  It was taken hand-held while I was inside a stopped van with the motor running.  I held the point and shoot cam on the the window, which I thought was clever using it as a monopod.  Last but not least, I really like doing street shot.  The fact it was at night is extra.  Hope you enjoy my mundane monograph and the image the image.  Cheers.


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