Chilling at Rainey Street in Austin and how to turn your botched image into art

Caught with iPhone6 at Containers Bar, Rainey Street, Austin

There is a block in Austin called Rainey Street.  Old bungalows have been fixed up and turned into bars and cocktail lounges with ample backyards and porches.  Beers are cheap although mostly diluted.  It used to be that every bar would have their own house band.  Lately, condominiums have sprouted within the area and some residents complained of the noise from the bands playing.  When we were there a few days ago, the place was mostly dead.  Just a few college kids nursing on cheap beers.  And no more bands playing.  A sad change if you asked me.

Rose used her iPhone to take this photo of me inside one of the bars at Rainey one night.  It was severely underexposed but I thought it had potential.  In post-processing, I raised the exposure, which created more grain.  I actually like the grain and continued to edit the photo as though it had been captured with a vintage camera. Moral of the story: do not delete those botched photos.  One day they can be turned into art.

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