How I overcome GAS
Lately, I have been experiencing GAS. Not that odious ethereal substance. I mean "Gear Acquisition Syndrome". I have this on-and-off addiction to buy new toys. It doesn't happen all the time but when it does it is hard for me to fight my obsession. So I decided to look back at the stuff I got through the years knowing that there must be something I acquired but have forgotten about it. Lo and behold, I found my lens adapter. It's a metal piece that I got it years ago to be able to use my Hasselblad lens on my Canon EOS cameras. The device was still in its box. And I don't really remember using it.
I got out my old Canon 5D and looked for my Sonar f/4 150mm that I used on my Hasselblad 500CM. Took several test shots and right away I fell in love with this new creature that I had assembled. Well, it actually looks more like a monster and weigh a ton. Most of the parts are metal except for the switches and the rubber strip to protect the camera.
As always, my favorite test shot is Mimi. So here's a sample of the images I took. The focus is less than ideal. I would have wanted the main focus on Mimi's left eye but I missed. The vintage lens had to be operated manually. With an excited dog, it's not always easy to get a clear shot. Overall I think the result is decent. This will have to do. For now.
#Lensadapter #testshots #Fotodiox