Can you hear me knocking
Shot with iPhone 6 on Pembroke Street. |
"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool." Richard P. Feynman
The Georgian Doors are part of the established visual attractions in Dublin. Specifically, they can be found mostly along Fitzwilliam Square. This one was shot along Pembroke Street. Probably the most shot door in that area. I think it's because of the red brick walls complimenting the foliage. Some tourist guides will tell you that at one time the doors were originally painted with the same neutral color. Probably washout grey or something similar. That didn't last long. After leaving the pubs in the evening, drunken men would be knocking on the wrong door. This irritated some people so they started painting their doors with whatever colors they fancied - so as to distinguish one door from another. Don't you ever believe this story. The truth is even with distinguishable door, the men of this day - besotted from a night of drinking - can still be seen knocking on somebody's door.
And you mat find yourself
This is not my beautiful housing
you may find yourself
this is not my beautiful wife - Talking Heads
And you mat find yourself
This is not my beautiful housing
you may find yourself
this is not my beautiful wife - Talking Heads
#GeorgianDoor #Ireland #Dublin #simplyTrafalgar #TrafalgarInsider #FitzwilliamSquare #PembrookeStreet