I used to be a king

"I used to be a king.  And everything around me turned to gold."  - Graham Nash

Well, he is not really a king.  Maybe a king of his castle in Sydney.  I met Chris years ago in Northern Italy.  I think I took this portrait in Lake Garda while we were having dinner.  I like how he turned his head and looked away.  His hair cut reminded me of a Roman Ceasar.  He had the perfect profile for it.  Italian nose.  A bit of stubble.  Years of wrinkles.  Sad eyes.  What was on his mind?  Yea, maybe he used to be a king.

I shot this with my 24-70 mm EF lens on a Canon 5D mk ii.  Why is this significant?  Because that would be the last time I would haul this camera on travels.  It got so heavy for me that it led to my sciata attack.  This I will not forget.


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