Richard and Jill

I have been assigned to take photos of our new church members again.  One of the church elders asked me, "You are the church photographer, right?"  "Um, I don't know.  Am I?"

Taking photos of people in unforgiving lighting condition is probably every portrait photographer's nightmare.  I took this one inside the church sanctuary.  I turned off all the lights so I don't have to deal with transient lights.  This way the only source of light was my 580 EXii flash dressed inside a photo box and the diffused window coming from the left side.

This is one of my favorites.  Richard and Jill just got married a few weeks ago.  I can see that they are very happy together.  I love that they show it sincerely.  It made my photo op worth it.  This is one of those times that everything seems to working out right.  Thank you, Lord.


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