Little Red Hut

© Rob Castro 2010 - 2012

Most people know that the Dutch Masters excelled in painting landscapes.  But what most people do not know is that their landscape paintings always contain human element.  Survey their paintings and you'll find that there is at least an element of human activity -- whether that may be farming, a house, fishermen.  There may not be people in the painting but it would be obvious that man was or is there.

The idea goes back to their Christian roots that all of the creation was giving to man to have dominion over it.  The concept that man was absent from landscape paintings was totally foreign to them.

Arguably, most modern landscape depictions are rooted in pantheism.  I surmise that they would have been shocked to have seen the photographs in National Geographic.

Photo Tip of the Day:  This little red hut sitting in the middle of a fish pond is an oldie but I decided to rework it.  Taken a few years ago during my trip to the Philippines.  The triangular geometry is one of the forms that is very effective in composition.  Something about triangles that our eyes are drawn to.  Look for geometrical forms when you compose your picture.  It will make a lot of difference in your composition.

Hope your day is going well.


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