Never Say Never (How I created this image) Repost
Here is a short tutorial on how I created this image.
What software tools I used:
- Lightroom 4.4
- Photoshop CS6
- Nik Software Viveza
- Nik Software Silver Efex Pro 2
The image is exported to Photoshop CS6. In here, I bring the image to Viveza and decrease overall Saturation to -55%. On all the three points (marked by red arrows), I increase the Structure to +68%, decrease Shadows to -60%.
Next I bring the image to Silver Efex Pro 2. I use the template Push Process 011 (N+1.5). For this image the tone is already acceptable for me so I do not mess with the global adjustment. However I go back to the same three points (marked in red arrows) and make the following adjustments: Brightness -20%, Structure +29%. At these settings, the image begins to have that metallic look.
While still in Silver Efex Pro 2, I burn the edges to create a radical vignette. This I think gives the image that film noir look.
Almost done. Back in CS6, I add a Levels Adjustment layer mask and burn any hot spot areas that may be standing out and some other parts that need to be tweaked.
The one posted in Flickr can be found here.
Originally posted May 18, 2013 #MetallicLook #GreaseOnFace #Flickr