Today's Lunch: Tomato Soup with Bell Peppers and Arugula
What is worse than being alone? Eating alone. Well, it's really the same thing. But I think more specifically eating by oneself takes a lot of getting used to. I used to do it when I was single. I was too lazy to cook then so I would just fry eggs and hot dog. Drank beer to kill whatever bacteria there was on the plate. If there was a bag of potato chips that would be a plus. That was 30 years ago. Now I'm spoiled. Rose cooks a lot of gourmet dishes. Except now she's away. The last few days, I have just been on mixed green salad diet. Was starting to behave like a goat. Meh-eh-eh! To rectify this, I began cooking. This was the latest I cooked today. Tomato soup with Bell Peppers and Arugula. Did you know you can add Arugula on anything? Coupled with a 2015 Pinot Noir on a chilly winter day. Life is good. Bon appetit!
Hope your day is going well.
Shot with the iPhone 7 plus.