Why won't you give me love?

What do think?  I suppose it depends on the experiential value one can get from it.  Others think it's snobbishly capricious.   Some people believe so.  Is it worth it? And yet there is something tactile about images shot on film.  You know what I mean.  And so on.  Plus the final image has to be scanned and digitized if it were to be shared electronically.  And you need a Polaroid camera or a medium format camera with a Polaroid back.  Each shot costs about $2.  There are always instant film from Fujifilm and the Impossible Project but they are prohibitively expensive.  The process of getting the final result is arduous though.  That's analog as opposed to digital if you're a millennial.  Lately, I am rediscovering the beauty of film.  


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