Artist in Vain

Pinhole Blender Mini 35mm
Non-engaging: “Artists are obviously gifted people.”

Politically Incorrect:  “God is the source of the artist’s gift.”

More Politically Incorrect:  “God gives gifts to artists for his own pleasure and good purpose.”

Today was another hot day.  I had difficulty concentrating on my work.  And I couldn't stand Rush Limbaugh whining on the radio.  I blame the heat. I decided to listen to Electric Light Orchestra instead.  Now that's a great British band.  Whatever happened to them?  I remember that one of the reasons some bands break up is one of the members turn to religion and decide he doesn't want to play secular music anymore.  Sometimes religious conversion can have a funny effect.

For some time now, I’ve always questioned with what it means to be a Christian artist.  What kind of art would be appropriate for somebody who has now been redeemed by the blood of Christ?  Most evangelicals will probably insist that Christian art is sacred and therefore devoid of any secular elements.  I remember one time when I used to do music gig at a local coffeehouse; I met another artist who also played there.  We talked about how we like the Eagles and other rock groups (don’t know why I remember talking about the Eagles and not the other ones) and how their songs influenced our own songwriting.  I asked him why he doesn’t play covers.  He told me that since he became a Christian he stopped playing “secular” music.   I thought that was strange at first but later found out that there are evangelicals who will not even listen to non-Christian music.


Anonymous said…
Rob ,you need to tune into "Coast to Coast" and you to can start ducking the greys. ELO , sweet talkin woman came on in the car the other day, found myself doin 4 part harmonies & nearly putting my foot through the floor-great band. Eagles never did it for me except for the album where wots his name the guitarist joined the band, I think the album was "The Long Run", the Flying Burritos, now thats another story. The only christian record I am aware of is Jesus Christ Superstar by Ian Gillan....hehe... Really like this shot, especially what look like Newton rings on the top , reminds me of the old days of sandwiching between glass. tony
Rob Castro said…
Tony, you ought to audition with Jeff Lyne or Bobby McFerrin... doing four part harmonies at the same time, that's incredible, man.

I used to hate it when ELO turned Disco but now I am no longer ashamed to say that I was enjoying Last Train to London yesterday. I think I played it a million times throughout the day.

What Newton rings? All I know is Fig Newton.
Anonymous said…
Hi Rob, back in the old days when you sandwiched a neg between glass to ensure it was flat, where the shiny side of the film came into contact with the glass it would result in sorta concentric circles, these are Newton Rings. The top layer of glass in a set of glass neg holders usually are anti-newton glass.
OK. would you believe 3part harmonies?
Rob Castro said…
you are showing your true age, Tony...

3 part harmonies... wow, still

Do you think you can pull off Bohemian Rhapsody?
This is just it. :))

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