Last day in Sydney (but not last of the Chronicles)

If you're worried about whether the postings of the Sydney Chronicles are in any chronological order, then let me assure you that they're not. So stop making sense of all these blog entries.  The only coherent connection is that they were all taken in Sydney.

We were hours away from our departure flight so we have a bit of time to spare, and decided to spend it by the Darling Harbour.  This is our default hang-out, that is if we're not bargain hunting at Paddy's Market or just sauntering along St George.  (More on those places soon.)  I was just taking random shot at the other side of the wharf until this boat passed by right in the middle of my frame.  I thought the motion blur was kind of cool.  Again, one of my "straight shots". 

Read the rest of the Sydney Chronicles.


Anonymous said…
Hey Rob, didn't know you'd been down under,been keeping an eye on your Flicker site. Love what you're doin. Am reluctant to sign onto anything. Look after yourself.tony
Rob Castro said…
tony, nice of you to drop by... thanks for your encouraging words... yea, i was in sydney for just a few days... luv this city... i would like to re-visit oz and check out its other lovely places... cheers, my friend - rob

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