Kind of Blue

Hope your day is going well.

Blue seems to be the color of the season.  Reds are still in.  I see quite a few people in their Holiday Reds.  Green seems to have taken a recess.  Even I who likes green have tepid feelings for it lately.  Yellow... I don't know - I haven't really seen much of yellow except for some teeth flashing from the neighbors' dogs.  I've noticed some people try to combine colors but I tend to get thrown off by their bold choices (you know what I mean.)  I'm sticking to blue for now.  Not because I'm blue.  But just because I like blue.  As in Blue Cheese, Blue Moon, and Blue Jeans.  Yay for blue.  Hope you like it too.  Cheers - R

P.S. for the techies:  The image is a recent capture.  It's one of the trees at the District parking lot.  It may look surreal, and that is because the camera I used only captures the Infra Red light.  The colors are what comes out from the camera.  A bit of saturation and contrast were tweaked in post processing.  That's all.


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