The Art of Tea
Juzno: A few points that you need to be aware of in making a proper cup of tea.
Rob: Tell me.
Juzno: The water must not be reboiled before it is poured into the teapot. The process is a chemical reaction which requires oxygen in the water and reboiled water does not have oxygen in sufficient quantity.
Rob: So is the chemical reaction over time essential?
Juzno: Yes, when you pour the water onto the tea leaves, caffeine begins to be produced - which gives the feel good factor. But after about 3 mins tannin starts to be produced - which gives the bitter taste of stewed tea.
Rob: I think the best tea is brewed between 3 and 4 minutes. So you think we should add in milk before or after the tea?
Juzno: It was considered common to put the milk in first and posh to put the milk in after. I drink my tea without milk anyway.
Rob: Have you tried it with lemon?
Juzno: Yeah. It didn't go well with milk.