Plaster Cast of Dead Men as Art

We were headed to The Rock when it rained very hard as we were walking along the harbor so we took refuge at the Museum of Contemporary Arts.  Hehe... they call those displays art.  My old cat could do better with his scrawling on his litter box.  Okay, I'm being rude.  Quite frankly, I didn't see much that were worth viewing but who am I to judge.  I am just an observer.  I learned later on that taking pictures was not allowed.  I've shot this before I found out so technically I could plead ignorance.  I'm not sure what to make of this photo.  It could be a plaster cast of a dead man.  And they call it art? There were other images in this particular gallery but I won't bore you with those.  Okay, let us move on...

Read the rest of the Sydney Chronicles.


Anonymous said…
Rob, this guy reminds me of a Maori bass player I used to play in a band with. He was always insisting we should play" Masquerade",because he wanted to sing it.It was OK for him, he was a bassplayer. One night on stage he & and the drummer broke out into "Are we really happy".I looked at the other guitar player stunned,turned to the mike & yelled "NO'', dropped my guitar and jumped across the stage and started belting into this guy. We were dragged off stage & that was the end of that band. MASQUERADE. Did you get to the Rock? It sounds so butch compared to the Rockies.tony
Rob Castro said…
tony... thanks for your anecdote... i hope your es335 was unscathed... LOL... how uncanny that there would be a link between your bass player, this guy in the picture, and masquerade... hmm... i may just have a subtitle for this blog ;-)

yea, well i could only stand the museum for so long ... so compared to braving the rain, we decided to head off to the rock... my shoes were so soaked that the next day molds sprouted on the surface of the shoes... i have to get me another pair (heh-heh)

the Rock - butch? never really paid attention but now that you mentioned it ... LOL ... anyway the wife insisted in going there ... a bit let down for me (not because i didn't see any butch)... heh - rob
Anonymous said…
OK Replace dropped with "placed it down very gingerly". I must admit there is a very large part of my soul that seems to have gone missing since the day I stopped playing (25 yrs ago). Tried having a jam with the guys around 2 yrs ago and just felt embarrassed. Oh Well. That reminds me of a song.-"Don't ask me what I think of you." What a great song. tony
Rob Castro said…
cheers, tony... it's interesting that we can sometimes be passionate about things that may seem trivial or unimportant to others... for me some of the most painful experiences were disagreements with my previous bands... for years i have not picked up the guitar until recently a friend asked me to form a little garage band with no expectation to play gigs - just to have fun... so far so good and i hope this would not turn out like the last ones - rob

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