The World According to Juzno
If you're a short guy like me, this is probably how you see the world. Always looking up. Well, I mean metaphorically. For some they don't want them around. As Randy Newman once sang, "They wear platform shoes on their nasty little feet." Which is by the way true for me, I do wear clogs when it rains. Maybe that's why I like the rain. Rain makes me feel taller.
We were getting ourselves lost in Manhattan, which is quite a feat because nobody gets lost there. All the streets are properly aligned and numbered. For example, Fourth Avenue is not the same as Fourth Street. Although both are in Manhattan. Sounds confusing? I know. The most basic thing to remember is that avenues run north and south while streets run east and west. Most streets and avenues only accommodate one-way traffic. So it's easy to give directions. Just tell the inquiring person to keep making a right and he'll get to his destination. Eventually.
I shot this image with the Fujifilm X100F using the Classic Chrome film simulation, my favorite in-camera preset nowadays. It renders the image rich in varying tones and a bit of low contrast, which I really prefer because I like boosting the contrast in post-production.
It's supposed to be a solemn day of remembrance in New York City because of 9/11. The day is still young, and there are still lots of things to do.